NarAnon RSC Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2024
10:00 am Zoom call
Sue- Region Chair
Deb- Region Treasurer
Cindy- Hamilton GSR
Janice- London GSR
Jennie- Interim Regional Outreach Coordinator
Lionel- Windsor GSR
Lisa R.- Etobicoke GSR
Annette- Barrie GSR
Lu- Regional Web Master/ Literature
Sally- Windsor GSR
Lisa B.- Burlinton GSR/ Regional Secretary
Leena- Info mail/ Telephone line/ GSR
Patty- Web Editor
8 GSRs in Attendance, 13 Participants
Lisa B. Secretary taking minutes
Items in blue are action items for GSR’s
Items in red are action items for the Regional Chair
Items in green are action items for other RSC officers
1. Serenity Prayer recited to open the meeting
2. 12 Concepts- Janice/ Annette
3. Introduction of RSC Members
4. Secretary’s Report- minutes review
March/24 minutes accepted by Lisa R and seconded by Cindy.
All in favour.
April/24 minutes accepted by Janice and seconded by Cindy
All in favour.
Some groups are moving to consensus for minutes unless we need to send them to WSO. Something to think about.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Deb will put together a budget for the 2025 Fall assembly
Motion to accept- Lionel and seconded by Lisa R.
All in favour.
6. Literature Report
30 orders since Lu took over.
Ecomm Website set up (with no identifiers or money) and makes easier ordering and Staples sending orders without delivery charges.
Eventually would like Ecom site set up to take funds to pay Staples sooner- this gets around the 3% service fee most pay providers pass on to customers.
Is available on our ON website.
7. Website Update
Is an evolution, is cumbersome but is in the works and being cleaned up.
A new site is currently running but need GSR’s vote to move forward– Naranonontario.ca
It is technically in development but please feel free to go check it out. It should be up to date.
It will be voted on at the next Assembly.
Please share with your groups so we can get input before it’s voted on.
8. Narateen Update
Officers’ not present.
Sue shared that Committee meetings have commenced and that they have started finalizing safety guidelines must be voted on in the assembly this fall.
Two groups going and seem to be going well.
Narateen Guidelines must be sent to groups in order to get a group conscience in advance of the Assembly.
9. Planning for Fall Assembly
Nov 16/24 suggested and decided on for 10am.
Motions- Website, Narateen Guidelines to be presented as motions.
Motions to be submitted by October 26/24, please canvas groups for further motions.
Motions will then be sent to GSR’s to get a group conscience in advance of the Assembly.
Elections- Treasurer and Chair positions up but both Sue and Deb can stay for one more term if they choose to run again and are elected.
Chair Alternate is suggested if Sue chooses to run again and is reelected.
A Delegate and Alternate are also positions to be elected this fall.
Outreach Coordinator also to be voted on, Jennie is holding the position in the interim.
Nominees to be submitted by Oct. 26/ 24- please canvas your groups for potential nominees.
Region will send a list of positions available with the date required.
10. New Business- Traditions Working Group
Sue would like to start a working group, lots of attendants would like to join.
Invitation included in the email listing elections positions. Open to entire membership. GSR’s please bring the invitations to the group.
Lu will add the information for the working group on the website.
September 28th suggested- the last Saturday of the month, meeting once a month 10am Zoom call.
11. Voting members of RSC having voting membership in other RSC’s
We have a member who has voting rights in two Regions, this was not disclosed before they were voted in as an ON Region officer. This only became possible since Covid as groups went online which is why we do not have precedent for it.
The Guide to Local Service 4.1 suggests that members vote only in one home group. Chair working group discussed and found it requires more discussion.
Language is suggestive, which sounds as though it should be included as a motion for our Assembly to have GSR’s vote on.
Motion or motions will be put forward and worked on by RSC members by email before the motions deadline to ensure it/ they are brought to groups before the Assembly.
Lionel will Chair a committee to look at the Guide to Local Service language for our Region- open the invitation to membership.
Invitation will be included in the next mail to GSR’s.
The recommendations of this group would have to be brought to all groups for a vote.
Meeting closed at 11:18 am with the Prayer for the Growth of our Fellowship