Service Outline – GSR Group Service Representative

Thank you for your willingness to be of service. The Group Service Representative (GSR) is a vital link in the continuing function, growth, and unity of worldwide Nar-Anon. GSRs are elected by their groups for a specific term. GSRs should be members with experience, stability and attend home group meetings regularly in the Nar-Anon program. As well as an understanding of the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts and how they work.

Suggested duties for a GSR:

  • Contact Region Secretary to update records as the new GSR

  • Holds business meetings after the recovery meeting

  • Contact World Service Office for any group changes or edits to a meeting

  • Notify the Delegate or Chair if a group chooses to suspend a meeting due to unforeseen events, a holiday or if the group is disbanding

  • Share announcements from the Take Back to Meetings to your group about upcoming events and activities

  • Participates twice a year in the Regional Service Assemblies (RSA)

  • Provides a group report to share with their home group and obtain a group conscience before submitting to Regional Assembly

  • Submits the GSR registration form to the Regional Service Committee (RSC)

  • Votes the group’s conscience at regional assemblies

  • Brings the group’s viewpoint on any situation or problem concerning Nar-Anon to the Delegate or to a regional assembly

  • Shares with the group the outcome of regional meetings and assemblies

  • In the year of a World Service Conference, assist the group with discussion on the motions in the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and submits the group’s conscience to the Delegate