Minutes – February 1 RSC Meeting

February 1, 2025

ON Region Service Committee Meeting Minutes

Lisa B. Region Secretary taking minutes. Agenda found below.

Notes in blue indicate action items for the Treasurer

Notes in red indicate action items for the Delegate

Notes in green indicate action items for GSRs

Notes in orange indicate action items for the Secretary.

  1. Serenity Prayer
  2. 12 Concepts of Service
  3. Motion to accept meeting minutes from the Fall 2024 Assembly
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Literature Report
  6. State of affairs of WSO
  7. CAR presentation for upcoming WSC
  8. ORCNA planning
  9. Call for motions for the March 15th Assembly
  10. Set the date for the next RSC meeting

Meeting opened at 10am with the following in attendance:

Sue- Region Chair

Lisa B.- Secretary

Leena- Scarborough GSR and ON Region Delegate

Catherine- Owen Sound GSR

Laura- Oakville GSR and Alt. Delegate

Cindy- Hamilton/ Sunday GSR

Louise- Barrie GSR

Elaine- Alt GSR Barrie virtual

Jennie- Outreach Coordinator/ Burlington Alt. GSR

Phil- Treasurer

Lu- Region Webmaster/ Literature Coordinator

Raye- NTPP

Violet- Sudbury Alt. GSR

Janice- London GSR

Julie- Barrie Virtual GSR

Jullie T.- Burlington GSR

Adam- Etobicoke GSR

Monica- Guelph GSR

Lisa- Etobicoke Virtual GSR

Annette- Barrie member

12 GSRs in attendance.

  1. Meeting opened with the Region Chair reading the Serenity Prayer and Secretary taking minutes.
  1. Janice and Louise read the 12 Concepts of NarAnon
  1. Online review of the minutes from the fall 2024. Motion put forward by the Region chair to accept the minutes, accepted by Leena and seconded by Raye.
  1. No treasurer’s report available as our new Treasurer does not yet have access to the regional account.

Treasurer requests groups hold off on sending donations to the Region until he has full access. 

Treasurer will send a Treasurer’s report to the RSC and GSR’s as soon as he has access and can put one together and will indicate when donations can resume.

Treasurer does report that $2300 was sent in at the end of 2024 when requests for funds were made to the Region after the Fall/24 Assembly.

Questions by 2 GSRs were then placed as to why funds were not donated to WSO at the end of 2024. The Region Chair then explained that ON Region donated funds early 2024 but that GSRs voted not to donate at the end of 2024 given our limited financial situation.

A decision about WSO donations from the Region moving forward will be brought forth at the next Assembly with our new Treasurer bringing their opinion given the state of our account once they have the lay of the land.

  1. The previous agenda item prompted the Chair to move agenda item 6 up ahead of the literature report.

Email sent from Region Chair to GSRs in Dec. 2024 showed that WSO were in a difficult financial position and were requesting funds and assuring membership they would make changes. The Region Chair reminded the group that the same message was sent two years ago. The Chair then told the group that WSO may not survive but that WSO made their Dec/24 and Jan/25 contribution goals.

An discussion took place with the Region Chair giving her opinion on the state of WSO.  It was noted that 50k was lost by WSO in 2024 on literature. Several GSRs gave their opinions and suggested each do their own research to form their opinions on WSO. Comments also made about appreciating the whole of the value of WSO.

  1. Literature coordinator reports that since he took over the role at the end of May/24 until Dec 31/24:

Literature sales totalled $4310.18

Total invoiced $5307.31

Taxes collected $560.30

Royalties $436.80

Website is up and running smoothly, no concerns thus far. GSRs all grateful and appreciative of the functionality of the new website.

Literature purchase negotiations praised and hope to be able to pay online for literature in the future.

  1. The Delegate mentioned that the Common Welfare Topic (CWT) list has been sent to her by WSO. Delegate will be sending a note to GSRs shortly to take to their groups to choose and prioritize 3 of the CWTs for each group. There are no current details or descriptions on each of the CWTs but the delegate will do what she can to get some for the GSRs. CWTs and 39 Conference Approved Reports (CAR) will be discussed at the 2025 World Service Conference (WSC) with our Delegate providing our top 3 priorities as a Region once received from groups. CAR motions will be sent to GSRs in batches to bring to groups to discuss before WSC.
  1. ORCNA will occur in Sudbury this year over the May long weekend. Naranon will have a room on May 17th at a $300 change- $200 less than last year. Please reach out to the Sudbury group ( naranonfaithoverfear@gmail.com) if you would like to assist or to speak with this year’s event.
  1. GSRs decided no RSC required before the March 15th/25 Assembly.

February 24th/25 is the deadline for motions for the Assembly to be sent to ON Region Secretary at secretary@naranonontario.com 

Motions will be sent by Secretary on March 1st/25 to GSRs to bring to groups to discuss in advance of the Mar 15/25 Assembly. 

Registration required for the March Assembly by GSRs to Region Secretary. 

All motions require a 50% +1 vote from GSRs. No votes currently accepted in absentia.

Secretary will reach out to GSRs of groups who routinely do not attend Assemblies and Committee meetings and will explain expectations for attendance and make inquiries as to whether or not they can be persuaded to attend meetings in the future. Clarifying that there are approximately 4 RSC meetings per year and 2 Assemblies per year.

Meeting ended at 11:31am

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